1. Badami R, VaezMousavi M, Wulf G, Namazizadeh M. Feedback about more accurate versus less accurate trials: Differential effects on self-confidence and activation. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 2012;83(2):196-203. [
2. Chiviacowsky S, Wulf G. Self-controlled feedback: Does it enhance learning because performers get feedback when they need it? Research quarterly for exercise and sport. 2002;73(4):408-15. [
3. Chiviacowsky S, Wulf G, Wally R, Borges T. Knowledge of results after good trials enhances learning in older adults. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 2009;80(3):663-8. [
4. Saemi E, Porter JM, Ghotbi-Varzaneh A, Zarghami M, Maleki F. Knowledge of results after relatively good trials enhances self-efficacy and motor learning. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2012;13(4):378-82. [
5. Palmer K, Chiviacowsky S, Wulf G. Enhanced expectancies facilitate golf putting. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2016;22:229-32. [
6. Chauvel G, Wulf G, Maquestiaux F. Visual illusions can facilitate sport skill learning. Psychonomic bulletin & review. 2015;22(3):717-21. [
7. Lewthwaite R, Wulf G. 10 Motor learning through a motivational lens. Skill acquisition in sport: research, theory and practice. 2012:173.
8. Wulf G, Lewthwaite R. The optimal theory of motor learning. Manuscript submitted for publication. 2015.
9. Wulf G, Lewthwaite R, Bruya B. Effortless motor learning? An external focus of attention enhances movement effectiveness and efficiency. Effortless attention: A new perspective in attention and action. 2010:75-101. [
10. Wulf G, Chiviacowsky S, Lewthwaite R. Altering mindset can enhance motor learning in older adults. Psychology and Aging. 2012;27(1):14. [
11. Clark SE, Ste-Marie DM. The impact of self-as-a-model interventions on children's self-regulation of learning and swimming performance. Journal of sports sciences. 2007;25(5):577-86. [
12. Stoate I, Wulf G, Lewthwaite R. Enhanced expectancies improve movement efficiency in runners. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2012;30(8):815-23. [
13. Witt JK, Linkenauger SA, Proffitt DR. Get me out of this slump! Visual illusions improve sports performance. Psychological Science. 2012;23(4):397-9. [
14. Chiviacowsky S, Wulf G, Lewthwaite R. Self-controlled learning: the importance of protecting perceptions of competence. Frontiers in psychology. 2012;3:458. [
15. Pascua LA, Wulf G, Lewthwaite R. Additive benefits of external focus and enhanced performance expectancy for motor learning. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2015;33(1):58-66. [
16. Wulf G, Chiviacowsky S, Cardozo PL. Additive benefits of autonomy support and enhanced expectancies for motor learning. Human movement science. 2014;37:12-20. [
17. Ávila LT, Chiviacowsky S, Wulf G, Lewthwaite R. Positive social-comparative feedback enhances motor learning in children. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2012;13(6):849-53. [
18. Schmit RAL, R. . Motor learning and control. . Hemayattalab, R; Ghasemi, A. 2005; Tehran (Science and motor publication):(Persian).