Volume 6, Issue 12 (11-2016)                   JRSM 2016, 6(12): 75-80 | Back to browse issues page

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abyari M, nezhad sajadi S A, sharifian E. Commitment in Women's Football Pro League of Iran. JRSM 2016; 6 (12) :75-80
URL: http://jrsm.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2464-en.html
Abstract:   (10543 Views)

The purpose of this study is investigating the effect of sport orientation on sport
commitment in Women's Football Pro League of Iran. Research method of this
study is correlation. The population of this study consists of all women football
players presented in 2th course of match in women football pro league. The
sample size of the research is equal to the population size (200 players). The
instrument for data collecting consists of Gill and Deeter (1988) sport orientation
questionnaire (with 6 items), and Scanlon (1993) sport commitment questionnaire
(with 14 item). Validity of questionnaires have been estimated and approved by
Ramezan Nezhad (1384) and Fathi (1390) in their researches. In this research,
validity of questionnaires was estimated by 10 professional sport management
professors, too, and the reliability of the questionnaires were calculated by
Choronbachs alpha coefficient (sport orientation alpha=0.90, sport commitment
alpha=0.86). In order to verify the normality of data distribution, the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test was used. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential tests
such as Pearson correlation and simple regression. Result showed that sport
orientation has a positive and significant effect on sport commitment.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: sport management
Received: 2017/04/7 | Accepted: 2017/04/7 | Published: 2017/04/7

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