Volume 3, Issue 5 (4-2013)                   JRSM 2013, 3(5): 25-34 | Back to browse issues page

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Khanjari Y, Arab Ameri E, Garooei R, Motashareei E, Hemayattalab R. The Effect of a Course of Psychological Skills Training (PST) Program on Selected Mental Skills and the Performance of Teenager Female Taekwondo Athletes of Iranian National Team. JRSM 2013; 3 (5) :25-34
URL: http://jrsm.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1757-en.html
Abstract:   (14025 Views)
The purpose of current study was to consider a course of doing psychological skills training (PST) program on chosen mental skills and the performance of teenager female taekwondo athletes with mean age 16 years of Iranian national team in 2009. The current study is in tentative type and pre and post test design with control group. To do this 22 people (female) among invited people to the camp of taekwondo national team in teenager level for participation in Asian competition of Kish were randomized and then were separated into two groups of control (10) and experimental(12). Then both of them completed the OMSAT-3 questionnaires in pre-test stage, so that to be evaluated from the view of mental skills and making check list for performance evaluation. According to gained results of questionnaires in pre-test stage and based on subjects weakness in skills of reaction to stress, fear controlling and concentration, an exercise package of purposing, goal setting, relaxation and imagery was used as PST program. After 4 months PST program of both groups was performed. Collected data was considered by independent statistical t-test. The results of this study showed that there is a significant difference between control and experimental groups in skills of reaction to stress and concentration after doing a course of PST program (P < 0.05). But there was no significant difference between these two groups in skill of fear controlling (P > 0.05). At last the results showed that there is a significant difference between control and experimental groups in performance after doing a course of PST program (P < 0.05). 
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Type of Study: Research |
Published: 2013/04/15

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